The Hometown Fair Association is the organizer of the event.
Amusements will include will include a mechanical rides between 25th and 26th Streets, and inflatable rides between 21st and 22nd Streets. There will be a charge for the mechanical rides. The inflatable rides will be free, and will be sponsored by the Bayonne Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ).
The main stage for the fair will be set up on West 23rd Street by DelMonte Drive. A second performance space, the community stage, will be set up on the East side of Broadway between 22nd and 23rd Streets. A variety of musicians and other entertainers will perform at both stages.
Vendors and organizations will take part in the fair, with tables along Broadway from 22ndst Street to 25th Street. The tables will feature food, merchandise, information about community organizations, and give-aways of various promotional items.
The Hometown Fair Association would like to thank the fair’s numerous sponsors for their support. The generosity of the sponsors makes the fair possible.
There is no rain date for the fair. In the event of rain, every effort will be made to continue or resume the fair on the scheduled days, as circumstances may permit.