COVID-19 UPDATE 7/16/2020
Under the direction of Mayor Davis, OEM provides weekly updates on the status of Bayonne in relation to the COVID-19 Health Emergency.
Bayonne Residents CURRENTLY Positive – 62*
- The number above reflects only the Bayonne residents that are CURRENTLY COVID-19 Positive. We have 1,120 Bayonne residents that have been removed from the Active COVID-19 resident list.
OEM UPDATE: To date, 1,229 Bayonne residents have tested positive for COVID-19, regardless of where that test was given. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 74 Bayonne residents have passed away due to Coronavirus-related illnesses.
BAYONNE MEDICAL CENTER (BMC) UPDATE: As of today, 3,904 people have been tested by the BMC. 3,143 have tested Negative, while 761 have tested Positive for a Positivity Rate of 19.49%. On 7/10/20, the BMC announced there were no longer any COVID-19 inpatients at that facility. Since that date, one resident was admitted. There are no persons admitted as Persons Under Investigation for COVID-19, nor are there any COVID-19 patients in the Critical Care Unit (CCU).
PREVENTION: Please continue to use good hygiene and do not touch your face. These two simple facts have remained constant since the beginning of the health emergency.
BD of ED: The BBoED has sent a survey out to all student households. Please fill out and return this survey as soon as possible. Thank you.