Mayor Davis has directed OEM to keep residents informed on all the latest information related to this health emergency.
Mayor Davis has informed us that two more Bayonne residents have passed away due to Coronavirus-related illness. The two men, ages 66 and 68 are our 65th and 66th deaths since the pandemic started. Mayor Davis expresses his deepest sympathy, on behalf of all Bayonne, to the families of these two men.
Bayonne Residents CURRENTLY Positive – 723*
- The number above reflects only the Bayonne residents that are CURRENTLY COVID-19 Positive. We have 290 Bayonne residents that are considered recovered. Recovered patients, according to the CDC, no longer have to isolate or be reported.
TESTING: The Bayonne Medical Center continues to perform testing for COVID-19 at Veterans Stadium each weekday. Your physician can make you an appointment for this testing. Rite-Aid at 1097 Broadway is also performing COVID-19 testing. This testing is free and is open to anyone (regardless if you have symptoms or not). Go to to make an appointment. CityMD is doing Antibody testing.
PARKING REGULATIONS: ALL parking regulations that have been suspended for the last two months, will come back this week. Mayor Davis informs us that for this week, warnings will be issued as residents get reacquainted with all parking regulations. Summonses will be issued for meters, pay lots on Tuesday 5/26/20. UPDATE: RESIDENTIAL ZONE PARKING WILL NOT BE ENFORCED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.
GOVERNOR DIRECTIVES: There have been many updates to the Governor’s directives, as they relate to the RE-OPENING of New Jersey. ALL non-essential businesses are reopened (with restrictions), as well as numerous other changes. Please go to for full information.