Following the Nuremberg Trials, Tom continued serving his country in the Armed Forces, once again serving in combat with the 811th Engineer Aviation Battalion assigned to the Fifth Air Force in Korea. He returned to civilian life in 1952, eventually making his way back to Mississippi. Keeping his Jersey accent and Irish sparkle, Tom made Mississippi his home and married Rachel Pitts, a Southern Belle. They settled down in Laurel, Mississippi, and like many members of the Greatest Generation, Tom dedicated himself to serving his community as a sponsor for those facing addiction. Even now, he calls from his hospital bed to encourage sobriety and offer support to those who still turn to him for help.
To honor Tom O’Loughlin, I had a United States flag flown over the U.S. Capitol. I pray his health returns, and I ask we all offer prayers of gratitude for Tom and the other World War II veterans across our country. For they truly are heroes here among us.