Tag Archives: The Nerds

Food Truck Festival Set for Bayonne on Saturday, May 18

Early day at last years 2018 Bayonne Food Truck Festival

            Mayor Jimmy Davis announced that Bayonne is hosting its second annual food truck festival on Saturday, May 18, from 12:00 noon to 7:00 p.m.  This year’s festival is being held in honor of the City of Bayonne’s 150th anniversary. The event will take place on Avenue E between 22nd and 24th Streets.  In order to accommodate the festival, portions of Avenue E will be closed to traffic. Thirty food vendors will be participating.  They will offer a great assortment of foods from a variety of cultures.  Italian, Korean, Greek, Polish, Thai, Cuban, American, and other cuisines will be featured.

Bayonne Summer Sounds by the Bay Entertainment Schedule


        Community information for the city of bayonne

  Mayor Jimmy Davis announced that the City of Bayonne will present the Summer Sounds by the Bay concerts Wednesdays, from July 12 through August 23, at 7:00 p.m., weather permitting. The concerts will be held at the amphitheater on the lower level of DiDomenico-16th Street Park, which is located between Avenue A and Newark Bay.  The schedule is as follows:

Wednesday, July 12, 2017
A complete Motown Revue, this exciting and talented band takes listeners through a fascinating recreation of the sounds of the Temptations, the Four Tops and many more. High energy, great harmony and fantastic dance steps will entertain your audience throughout the show.


The Infernos
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Three decades of musical magic – the crowd will be dancing to the tunes of this entertaining group. From Barry White, The Duprees, Earth Wind & Fire, and Frank Sinatra to today’s hot sounds of Bruno Mars, Robin Thicke, and Taylor Swift. They can do it all!!!

  Continue reading Bayonne Summer Sounds by the Bay Entertainment Schedule

Hoboken Arts and Music Festival 2013

Photos by Steve A Mack

Yesterday was another beautiful day for festivals in Hudson County and our photographer Steve Mack  headed to the 19th Hoboken Arts and  Music  Festival where thousands showed up to enjoy a day of artists,  crafts, local merchants, great food and terrific music, featuring: The Feelies, Speed the Plough,  Davey and the Train Wreck, The NERDS, The Carolina Jug Stoppers and many other acts.