Tag Archives: the Goddess Code Academy

Quan Yin -The Goddess Code by Radhaa Nilia-What you are reading!

Quan Yin The Goddess Code
Radhaa Nilia’s book
Quan Yin
The Goddess Code

Radhaa Nilia is the founder and creatress of the Goddess Code Academy, a mystical school for the modern Goddess. Her vision for this work is to serve women through transformative education and empowerment. The Academy offers training and certification programs for all who are drawn to it. As an intuitive teacher, coach, and holistic healer, Radhaa is a fifth-generation Shaman who empowers women to heal their heart and soul wounds.

You can order Radhaa’s healing workbook:

Quan Yin Goddess Code Activations here: https://www.amazon.com/Quan-Yin-GODDESS-ACTIVATIONSTM-Workbook-ebook/dp/B076WWLB6W



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