Tag Archives: Immigrant rights

LOCAL EVENT Fundraiser for the Advocacy of Immigrants Rights and Protection

Fundraiser for the Advocacy of Immigrants Rights and Protection Fundraiser for the advocacy of immigrants rights and protection in Bayonne on Saturday May 20th, 2017. The event is searchable as “Lines On a Map: A Benefit Show for First Friends of New Jersey and New York.” The nonprofit organization organizes events and services to immigrants and asylees undergoing detention status upon arrival to the United States and provides assistance to them once they are living in the states.
The event will take place at Lot 13 Long Bar and Restaurant in Bayonne and will begin at 7pm sharp with music by The Penniless Loafers, Murdock, Leeroy Green, Psilocybe, Galare, and Xenophile. There is an entry fee of $5 dollars, that is tax deductible, will be donated to the organization; we encourage donations higher than the entry fee. We promote non violence and safety for all who attend. This is the event page that is on Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/events/1737333703244575?ref=bookmarks thank you for consideration. 
If You Go
Long Bar and Restaurant
Ave E
Bayonne NJ
Saturday, May 20, 2017