Tag Archives: COVID-19 Update Bayonne



The Bayonne OEM would like the residents of Bayonne to know…

Who can currently be vaccinated?

Healthcare workers, Public Safety Workers, Adults over 65, Any adult 18-64 with a serious medical condition, Teachers/Faculty/Staff of all grades (including PreK and Daycare), transportation workers, and many essential workers.  The NJ Dept of Health and the Governor determine vaccine eligibility.  More people will be added on 3/29. Please go to covid19.nj.gov for the complete list of eligible people.

Who do I contact to be vaccinated?

There are many options.  If you have called (201-858-6088) or emailed ([email protected]) to get your vaccine, you do NOT need to do anything else.  Someone will call you to schedule your appointment.  Please be patient as there are thousands of eligible residents on this list.  A scheduler will call each person who has contacted us, however, it will take time as we can only schedule the number of residents that our dosage allotments allow.  Your appointment will be either at BMC at 29 East 29th or the RWJB site at 519 Broadway.

What if I don’t want to wait for a scheduler to call me?

You have many other options.  Mayor Davis and the City Council have just opened a second vaccine POD at the Bayonne Museum (229 Broadway).  Appointments for this site open up each Thursday for the following week. Vaccines are given only on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at this site.  You can register by going to http://bayonne.mhonsite.com.  The entire registration process for the museum is done online.  You can also go the Hudson County site in Kearny.  You can register for this location by going to http://hudsoncovidvax.org.  There are also other locations now offering the vaccine in Bayonne.  They are: Walmart, StopNShop, RiteAid, Walgreens, CVS, and Riverside Medical.  Please go to their websites to register at any of these locations.

I called the Bayonne number back in January, and I have not received a call yet.  Why is it taking so long?

As stated above, there are thousands of eligible residents.  This process takes time, as we schedule the maximum amount of people that our dosage allotment allows.  Now that there are more options, we expect the rate of vaccinations to increase quickly.  Your patience and cooperation are greatly appreciated!

What is the current status of Covid-19 in our city?

The Bayonne Department of Health continues to track all Bayonne residents that are currently positive for Covid-19.  These numbers have been fluctuating over the past several weeks, and we are currently under 200 residents that are Covid-19 Positive.  We are all reminded to continue to practice the safety tips that have been in place to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.

Where can I get tested for Covid-19?

There are many places for you to be tested.  The City of Bayonne continues to perform PCR testing at Ahern Veterans Stadium.  This testing is done on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1pm-7pm and Saturdays from 9am-2pm. 


Mayor Davis has informed us of the passing of a 46yr old male who also tested positive for COVID-19.  On behalf of all of Bayonne, the Mayor sends his condolences to the family of this resident.

Under the direction of Mayor Davis, OEM provides weekly updates on the status of Bayonne in relation to the COVID-19 Health Emergency.

Bayonne Residents CURRENTLY Positive – 467*

  • The number above reflects the Bayonne residents that are CURRENTLY COVID-19 Positive.

OEM UPDATE:  To date, 4,277 Bayonne residents have tested positive for COVID-19, regardless of where that test was given. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 93 Bayonne residents have died due to Coronavirus-related illnesses. 3,717 residents have recovered to date (discontinued isolation per CDC guidelines).  There are currently 12 Covid-19 Positive Bayonne residents that are admitted to Bayonne Medical Center.  Please see Mayor Davis’ weekly video update for latest information.

VACCINE UPDATE: NJ has moved all seniors (65+) and anyone 16-64 with serious health conditions into Phase 1A.  Any Bayonne resident that is in Phase 1A can register to be vaccinated at our County Vaccination Site in South Kearny by going to www.hudsoncovidvax.org/vax/registration.

Any resident in Phase 1A that wants to be vaccinated in Bayonne can either call 201-858-6088 or email at [email protected] to be placed on the list.  Someone will call you to schedule appointment at BMC when more vaccine becomes available.


COVID-19 UPDATE 9/10/2020

Under the direction of Mayor Davis, OEM provides weekly updates on the status of Bayonne in relation to the COVID-19 Health Emergency.

Bayonne Residents CURRENTLY Positive – 20*

The number above reflects the Bayonne residents that are CURRENTLY COVID-19 Positive.

OEM UPDATE:  To date, 1,363 Bayonne residents have tested positive for COVID-19, regardless of where that test was given. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 76 Bayonne residents have passed away due to Coronavirus-related illnesses.  The Bayonne Department of Health continues to advise residents that have recently taken a COVID-19 test to be sure to answer their phones for our Contact Tracers and Dept of Health Staff.  These conversations are vital in helping to curb the spread of the Coronavirus. 


Under the direction of Mayor Davis, OEM provides weekly updates on the status of Bayonne in relation to the COVID-19 Health Emergency.

Bayonne Residents CURRENTLY Positive – 26*

The number above reflects only the Bayonne residents that are CURRENTLY COVID-19 Positive.

OEM UPDATE:  To date, 1,300 Bayonne residents have tested positive for COVID-19, regardless of where that test was given. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 74 Bayonne residents have passed away due to Coronavirus-related illnesses.

STATEMENT FROM THE BAYONNE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH:  â€œSince the beginning of this public health emergency contact tracing has been a key mechanism in breaking the chain of transmission and slowing community spread among those infected with COVID-19.  Currently, the Bayonne Health Department is investigating multiple cases of young people in their late teens and early 20s who are not responding to our calls and/or not providing us with contacts.  So, families of these young people, if you know your young adult is getting tested for COVID please inform them that they MUST answer the call.  We need cooperation not just from this group, but everyone in an effort to reduce the spread of transmission. Thank you.”


COVID-19 UPDATE 7/1/2020

Mayor Davis has directed OEM to keep residents informed on all the latest information related to this health emergency.

Bayonne Residents CURRENTLY Positive – 317*

  • The number above reflects only the Bayonne residents that are CURRENTLY COVID-19 Positive.  We have 802 Bayonne residents that are considered recovered.   

GOVERNOR UPDATES: Please see the governor’s social media pages or go to covid19.nj.gov for the latest information related to statewide directives.

bayonne update covid-19 positive cases DIPS below 350 for june 29, 2020

COVID-19 UPDATE 6/29/2020

Mayor Davis has directed OEM to keep residents informed on all the latest information related to this health emergency.

Bayonne Residents CURRENTLY Positive – 348*

  • The number above reflects only the Bayonne residents that are CURRENTLY COVID-19 Positive.  We have 771 Bayonne residents that are considered recovered.   

FIREWORKS:  The Mayor has announced the organization of a Fireworks Task Force which is made up of Bayonne Police Officers and Bayonne Firefighters.  This Task Force will work both proactively and reactively to stop the nuisance fireworks that have been affecting all areas of the city over the past few weeks. Please report any/all fireworks use to the Bayonne Public Safety Communications Center at 201-858-6900.

GOVERNOR’S DIRECTIVES: Our state has now entered a new phase in re-opening for many businesses. There has been an announcement on the delay of INDOOR dining.  Please check with the Governor’s social media or visit www.covid19.nj.gov for the latest information.  Please support our local businesses.


COVID-19 UPDATE 6/14/2020

Mayor Davis has directed OEM to keep residents informed on all the latest information related to this health emergency.

Bayonne Residents CURRENTLY Positive – 493*

  • The number above reflects only the Bayonne residents that are CURRENTLY COVID-19 Positive.  We have 609 Bayonne residents that are considered recovered.  Recovered patients, according to the CDC, no longer have to isolate or be reported.  We are continuing to see a steady decline in current positive residents in the city.


GOVERNOR’S DIRECTIVES: We are all under the governance of the Executive Orders that are coming from the Governor.  As of late, there have been many changes to these orders that affect each of us.  Please go to www.covid19.nj.gov or see the Governor’s social media for the latest information.

TESTING:  There are numerous options for COVID-19 or Anitbody testing in Bayonne.  Dial 2-1-1 or go to www.covid19.nj.gov for any/all testing sites throughout the state of NJ.  Testing at Veterans Stadium has ENDED.  Anyone getting an appointment for a test by a Bayonne physician by the Bayonne Medical Center, will be tested on their property.  The BMC is also testing senior citizens at all the various senior congregate housing in the city.

MASKS:  There is no mandate by the State of New Jersey or the City of Bayonne that requires healthy individuals to wear a mask when outdoors.  Masks must be worn when in stores.

5/28/2020 covid-19 for city of bayonne newest update

The latest figures for Thursday, May 28, 2020 showing yet another decline in COVID-19 cases very good news for the Bayonne

Mayor Davis has directed OEM to keep residents informed on all the latest information related to this health emergency.

Mayor Davis has informed us that an 81yr old male has passed away, marking the 71st fatality in Bayonne related to the Coronavirus.  Mayor Davis extends his condolences, on behalf of all Bayonne, to the family of this man.

Bayonne Residents CURRENTLY Positive – 644*

  • The number above reflects only the Bayonne residents that are CURRENTLY COVID-19 Positive.  We have 414 Bayonne residents that are considered recovered.  Recovered patients, according to the CDC, no longer have to isolate or be reported.  Testing has increased considerably, and the number of current positive residents continues to decline.  This is clearly very good news!

TESTING:  The Bayonne Medical Center continues to perform testing for COVID-19 at Veterans Stadium each weekday.  Your physician can make you an appointment for this testing.  Rite-Aid at 1097 Broadway is also performing COVID-19 testing.  This testing is free and is open to anyone (regardless if you have symptoms or not).  Go to riteaid.com to make an appointment.  CityMD is doing Antibody testing. The BMC, in conjunction with the BHA, is currently testing all residents at the Senior buildings in Bayonne.  This on-site testing, which began today, is designed to ensure we are looking out for the most vulnerable in our community.

PARKING: Beginning Monday, June 1st, all temporary reserved parking spaces reserved for food pick up will be eliminated.  Normal parking rules/regulations are back in effect.  Residential Zone parking regulations remain suspended until further notice.

MAYOR’S MESSAGING: Please see Mayor Davis’ Facebook and Twitter pages for weekly video updates.  The Mayor will also be sending out a robocall on Friday with the latest information for Bayonne residents.

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