City Of Jersey City Working with Red Cross to Assist Victims of Belmont Avenue Fire

JERSEY CITY SEAL LOGOJersey City Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy announced today that the Mayor’s Office and the

Mayor’s Action Bureau, as well as the Jersey City Fire Department, are working with the

Hudson County Chapter of the American Red Cross to assist the victims of last week’s fire on

Belmont Avenue that destroyed six homes.


To date, donations have been received from Modell’s, ShopRite Inserra Foods and the Healy

Charitable Foundation.

“Our Jersey City business owners have always been so generous in assisting those families who

have suffered from tragedy before, and we thank them for their assistance in helping the victims

of this recent fire on Belmont Avenue,” said Mayor Healy. “I especially want to thank Modell’s

and Larry Inserra of Shoprite Inserra Foods for their generous donations.”


Any business owner or resident wishing to donate a gift card or service to the families is asked to

contact the Mayor’s Action Bureau by calling 201-547-4597. Anyone wishing to make a

monetary donation is asked to donate to the American Red Cross, and indicate that the donation

is for the Victims of the Belmont Avenue Fire – Jersey City.